Friday, May 24, 2013

Please Pay No Attention to the Giant Behind the Curtain...

In about two weeks, my husband and I are meeting for a week of intensive counseling. This is the "cause" for my recent bouts of panic. Feelings of hopelessness and fear have swallowed me up. 

What will happen? Will he actually get it? Or will it be partial? Will I find out that all of my concerns regarding his partial repentance was nothing but paranoia? Will this counselor also be taken in by his charade? Will I realize that I was wrong and there wasn't a charade to begin with? If he completely repents, how will I ever find the courage to take steps to go back to him? Will I go blank when it's time for me to bring up my concerns? Will I realize that I wasn't really being manipulated after all? Will I realize that the object of my death grip (proof of partial repentance) has slipped right through my hands? The fear is overwhelming. I feel like I'm walking to my death. 

Tonight as I rocked my little babe, the Bible story just happened to be David and Goliath. I explained how David's trust was in God and that helped him to be brave. It didn't matter how big Goliath was. This little boy marched confidently out to Goliath and won the victory. 

I think I've been looking at Goliath 
way too long. 

I've been sizing him up against my abilities and finding that I'm falling desperately short. The possible outcomes have left me almost completely immobile. I'm pessimistic, I do not believe, I am not hopeful, and I've sold God way short.

This is a continuing battle and unfortunately once I "beat it", it comes back up faster and stronger each time. 

I'm not exactly sure how to climb myself out of this pit of despair, but I think a good start will be to ask God to help me, then to listen to music that reminds me of Who my God is, and then I will think on some verses to get me through. The momentum should get me through the night at least. 

I'm a huge fan of Downhere. So many of their songs are perfect for me right now. Here is one that I have loved for the last two years. 

Bleed for This Love

Out of solid rock, I made a river
To a desert drought, I brought the rain
Did you doubt, for a moment
That I felt your pain?

Just when you think the story is over
You know My love is strong as ever
'Cause I'm gonna bleed for this love

In a flooded land, I sent a leaf
From your captor's grip, gave you release, oh yeah
Did you fear, for a moment
That I'd leave you there?

Just when you think the story is over
You know My love is strong as ever
'Cause I'm gonna bleed for this love
Yes, I'm gonna bleed for this love

And to pay your debt, I'll be the ransom
Then to bring you life, I'll give it all
I'll give it all

Just when you think the story is over
You know my love is strong as ever
'Cause I'm gonna bleed for this love
Yes, I'm gonna bleed for this love

Thursday, May 23, 2013


Dear Lord,
Calm my trembling heart. Butterflies are multiplying and swarming furiously within. Panic keeps me from functioning properly, today.

I'm not taking care of the child you gave me very well. I robotically go through the motions of diapers, food, hugs and even smiles. Can he tell that Mommy just isn't right, today? Will it effect his soft heart?

I'm afraid to trust any word that comes from my husband. Yet, I am taking steps toward him. I feel more panic when his words conform to what I might want to hear. The danger seems to increase. Could he become so skilled that I might not have any signs whatsoever to give clues that he is not safe?

Are my parent's too much in my court to be objective?

Will you stop me from going back if it's not safe?

Will you help me to want to do the right thing?

Please show me my sin gently, because I don't think I can take very much, right now.I can't handle dissonant music, Lord.  I can't watch the news or bear the sound of raised voices.

I need a Word from you constantly, today.

Hold me together. Keep the cells in my body from literally sliding away from each other. Hold. Me. Together.

your daughter

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Scripture Lullabies

I made an amazing discovery today. I was listening on the radio and Nancy Leigh DeMoss is offering a CD of gorgeous music for any size donation. They played a snippet of a song and I was taken back by its unusual beauty, and even more by the comfort the Word of God set to music gave me in just a few seconds. I had to have it - for those dark days when there is no relief. I want my son to fall asleep listening to them. I want to hum the music and meditate on the words to myself when I feel distressed. 

Visit Nancy's website to donate and request the CD (although right now, they say they're offering the CD in one place and a book by Joni with donations on the actual donation page, so I don't know what is up with that).

There are two volumes. I'm so glad to have found them that I want to pass it on to you.

Find the music: 
Hidden in My Heart (a lullaby journey through Scripture) Vol. 1 & 2

• Nancy's Website to donate for Vol. 2
• iTunes  Volume 1   &  Volume 2
• Watch More Youtube Videos

Youtube has a collection of the songs with a slideshow. Below is a song from the 1st volume. Enjoy.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Two Angers, an Extra Large Angst and a Side of Guilt, Please...

The emotions. Oh, the emotions. Almost two years of swirling, twirling, stomach twisting, sickening emotions have dizzied me in its kaleidoscope of fiery reds, jealous greens and depressing blacks. Never-ending, ever-changing, fluctuating in extremes, these emotions take me down, fire me up, and then leave me exhausted but unable to rest. 

Normally, for me there is the deep hurt coupled with not being allowed to feel so hurt. When my husband minimizes his actions, then I minimize the hurt I feel. I'm not allowed to suspect I'm suffering from PTSD. I'm making too much of my pain. I'm a hypochondriac. I'm too sensitive. I've misunderstood him. He didn't mean to... So I minimize it, right after I share it with someone. "But I'm okay. . . It will be fine. . . I'm not the only one to go through this. . . " etc.  

But today, I'm angry. My Father is also angry and that somehow frees me from my usual side of guilt. 

I'm tired of the subtle manipulation. I'm tired of the secretive guilt trips I'm forced to take that are veiled in doing what's best for someone else or for the Lord's glory or for our marriage. I'm sick of the lying. Gag me with the word parsing and literalism. I'm offended by the rotten attitude and the antithesis of a contrite heart that seethes and boils under the surface. It looks inviting, but don't jump in. The water is not fine.

Tonight, I sat as far away in the house from my parents as I could and tried to focus on my dry reading assignment while desperately hoping to drown out the sound of my Dad's voice with a small stack of cookies. I should have chosen something more crunchy. 

My Dad and my husband have been communicating lately, and it hasn't taken very long for my Dad to become completely fed up with the charade. He's wasting his time, and he knows it. As he dictated an email to my husband for my Mom to type, Proverbs 9 rang in my ears at the same time.

"Whoever corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse, and he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury. Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man, and he will love you. Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning." Proverbs 9:7-9
How do you know you've got a scoffer on your hands? When you correct him in a godly way and he doesn't love you in return or even thank you. We are actually commanded to stop. I've already stopped but I guess my Father wants to go at it for a few more rounds. I don't want to know the details. I'm quite sick enough responding to the emails that my husband and I are returning to each other.

I wanted to curl up and be distracted from the storm that is tearing its way through the house. I want to take my sweet son and cover him up and protect him from all the negative effects that his father might obliviously expose him to.

Dear Lord, this is the biggest mess in the history of messes.

He knows the secrets. He knows what is at the root that, when finally dealt with, will cause all the symptoms and peripherals to simply fall away.

Until then, I have to just hold on tight and stay close to the Master while the storm rages on. I ride the waves of my emotions while being anchored to the One who never changes. I correct my thinking by His Word. I rebuke myself as He shows me my own sin. And I survive the next moment and the moment after that knowing that one day, the storm will blow over and I will be stronger and look more like Jesus for having held on.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Stand Firm

Be watchful, Stand firm in the faith, act like men {be brave}, be strong. 
Let all that you do be done in love.

• •• I CORINTHIANS 16:13-14 •• •

Sunday, May 19, 2013


From the day that I found out about my husband's pornography use and other horrifying activities to the following Sunday, we held our breath until the church could be notified publicly and properly. We were allowed to tell only those closest to use who we could trust to keep things quiet until the Sunday morning service. There were endless meetings with church leaders, friends, teenagers we were closest to, our youth workers, college students...Jack told them individually and in groups. I watched their faces. Some gave instant forgiveness, one walked out of our house suddenly when Jack broke the news. 

It was like knowing your house was going to fall over a cliff, but a week went by while you agonized over every crack in the ground or stone that gave way or watched the sand start to slide. We knew what was getting ready to happen, but we had to wait as we watched small glimpses of what Sunday would look like. 

I don't know how I came across this song, but it reflected my heart as the days brought us closer to revealing Jack's sin. 

 The approaching Sunday seemed like a place of deep reverence to me, 
a day that I would tremble before the Lord and beg for mercy. 
I would put it on loudly and just sob. I wanted to be at His feet, in His presence and this song with it's cautious beginning and haunting cords helped me get there. Then as the music swells, I was able to praise Him and find joy in His sovereignty. 

Saturday, May 18, 2013


On the days when I was falling apart, when I sobbed uncontrollably while changing a diaper, when I considered seeking the help of a mental health specialist, when things I found on the computer scared me more than any nightmare I could have ever imagined, when I woke up in the middle of the night with crying, chest pains, nausea, and shaking, when those I trusted to help me went soft on the issues, when I felt that speaking up would be betrayal, when I had no one else to talk to and no one else to get answers or direction from, these were the verses I prayed for myself. Every day. Many times a day. 

I wrote them on cards. Every chance I got, I pulled them out and prayed through them - cried through them. Desperate to get these gifts from the Lord. He heard, listened, and took me under His wings. 

For this reason also, since the day we heard of it, we have not ceased to pray for you and to ask that you may be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understandingso that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lordto please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified us to share in the inheritance of the saints in Light.

• •• Colossians 1:9-12 •• •

A friend told me recently that when her husband left her, she had to have a Bible laying out in every room of the house. That is being desperate for God and His presence - when you literally can't go a few minutes without a Word from Him. He satisfies even then, in the darkest places. Praise His Name!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Is Pornography Adultery?

This is an excellent article on the differences between men and women when it comes to defining intimacy. This explains why men generally don't understand how most women feel that their husband's pornography use is absolutely an adulterous act. It's a must read for every couple effected by pornography.

(Click the image or text to be directed over to the full article. )

""You cried with her?"  My wife appeared wounded, even a little threatened, when I described my conversation with a female employee...The simple question, “How are you?” opened a floodgate of tears as she described feelings of betrayal and despair because of her husband’s behavior. As she wept, I empathized with her pain and shed a few tears of my own. While I maintained strict physical boundaries with my coworker—I didn’t so much as pat her hand—my emotional response to another woman’s anguish triggered a protective instinct within my mate. 
Charissa is neither insecure nor suspicious by nature. In fact, she quickly caught herself and recognized that I had simply empathized with the suffering of another person. Nevertheless, her visceral reaction gave me a fleeting glimpse into the mystery of womanhood. And the resulting conversation with my wife became the first step on a journey of discovery in which I learned just how differently men and women experience marital intimacy. Along the way, I also discovered a profound truth that explains why wives consider a man’s viewing pornography nothing short of adultery . . . and why men think they’re overreacting."
Read the Full Article Here ...

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Pray Hard. This is War.

This past year, I've been reading constantly. I'm currently working my way through four books right now in addition to a couple of Bible study books. There's something like feeling alone in a crisis that has compelled me to reach out for help. Perhaps you are in the same boat: desperate for answers, hungry for God, and enjoying the gathering of information.

It's interesting that as I read, themes start to come and go and I realize that one theme or another has come to me from all of my sources. They have appeared in varying length and at different times but close enough together to be of significance. One of the most recent themes is an exhortation to pray with boldness.


I frequently visit Inspired Reads to check out and download free or discounted Christian fiction and non-fiction books for my Kindle. It's a great resource and all of the books I will mention here were acquired for free because of Inspired Reads' alerts. I saw this book, Holding Onto Heaven While Your Marriage Goes Through Hell so I sheepishly clicked to download it - almost looking behind my shoulder because, well, it had the word "Hell" in the title...and it was in the same sentence as "marriage". Gasp. What would my husband think if he caught a glimpse of that title???  Shame. 

So late that night I started reading almost expecting to get a watered down attempt at helping a hurting spouse. Being a graphic designer, I had already made my judgement based on the poorly designed cover even though we all know how unreliable that practice may be.

Instead of being able to indulge in my preconceived notion, what I read was rather convicting. The author of one chapter had described her difficult marriage with a verbally abusive and emotionally distant husband. She was at her wits end and was considering separation or divorce. But at the probing of a friend she decided to face her situation with a different approach. While her husband was at work, she went into their bedroom and began praying over the place where he would lay on the bed at night. Putting her hands on his pillow, she prayed for his mind. She boldly bound Satan away from her husband's thinking. Expecting her requests to be given to her she continued praying for different aspects of her husband's life with assertiveness, hope and boldness. And in time, things began to change. Her marriage was eventually restored and prayer was the beginning of it all.

As I read, I felt conviction in the form of a cold sweat and the sensation of blood leaving my face. How childish I had felt for not praying for Jack in this way. How self-centered I was for not seeing that Jack was in bondage and needed a helping hand instead of an accusing finger. I am not saying that you don't point out life dominating sins, or communicate on important issues. But we must do so with the respect due to a person that God has created and loves deeply. I must resist seeing Jack as my enemy. My real enemy is Satan. This is spiritual warfare.

I recalled a sermon I'd heard recently by Russell Moore. In it he pointed out how Satan loves to expose sexual sin when it will do the most damage. He waits until you get that youth pastor position. He waits until your range of influence is at it's largest. He gets his foot in the door of your heart and then blows it wide open. Now I also believe that God is completely sovereign and He alone allowed disclosure that could in fact be the catalyst for restoration and getting that sin and its roots out of my husband's life. It is over my head how these two truths work together, but I believe it's found somewhere in Romans 8:28-29 and in the words of Joseph while he comforted his repentant brothers.


A few weeks later, I was reading a book on separation by Linda W. Rooks, Broken Heart on Hold. In one entry, she quoted an interview with Pastor Carl Stephens on spiritual warfare in marriages:
"I believe that a wife's prayers for her husband are stronger than anyone else's prayers for him. When a wife prays for her husband, or a husband prays for his wife, there is a dimension in the spirit realm that gives these prayers a greater spiritual force simply because of the fact that they are one."
"If she can remove herself from the wounds that have been inflicted on her; if she can take her focus off her husband to focus on God instead; if she can catch hold of the truth that her prayers are so extremely powerful, then she's going to be able to rise up and do battle for something she loves and cares about."
He continues on to speak about strongholds and the spiritual authority that a believer has over them when we are submitted to God. We have the authority and the power of Jesus to bind Satan. "...the enemy has no choice but to leave."


I picked up a Charles Swindoll book on Psalms a few months ago. I had been reading more in Psalms because the book had been especially comforting to me, so I wanted to dig a little deeper. Yesterday the subject of expectant prayer was before me. In studying Psalm 5, we see David's expectant prayer in verses 1-3. In verse 3, David, "orders" his prayer. In the Hebrew it's like placing an order. When we go to a restaurant and place and order, we wait in our booth fully expecting and at peace that we will receive what we have ordered. 

"When we think of "placing an order," we remember one thing that is essential: we have to be specific. Too many prayers suffer from timidity and vagueness. God invites us to pray with bold expectation when we ask for what He has promised or anticipate what we know to be His will."
 "...he prayed with confidence in the Lord's sovereignty and goodness. In fact, he decided to begin each morning this way; he greeted each new day by "placing his order" and resolving to wait with confidence for God's response."

• ••  I'M HOLDING ME BACK •• •

It's starting to sink in at this point for me. Starting. I have been stripped of desire to give my husband any chance of hurting me again. Do I really want to work so hard for something that I wasn't sure I wanted?  But how can I brush the hand of God away as He offers me the gift of a restored marriage? The thoughts from these books and my hesitancy to follow through with fervent authoritative, war-zone prayers have exposed my lack of desire for my marriage to really work. I had checked out. I have checked out. Walking away is more enticing than waiting for God to grant repentance so my husband and I can then start cleaning up the sludge of sin together. So don't think as I write these entries that there isn't a battle raging inside of me.

It seems to me that I need to be at the point where I would be devastated and shocked if my husband didn't change instead of shaking my head and saying "Well, I'm not surprised."  Right now I'm relieved to be away from him and it's hard to conceive of ever going back even in light of true repentance. I have to ask myself "how badly do you want this?" It's like I'm standing in the middle of a battle and fighting here and there but suddenly realizing that I'm really not fighting very hard and I'm not even sure if I want to win. I just want it to be over or to be dead so I don't have to be in misery anymore.

• ••  A CALL TO FAST •• •

Occasionally in the morning I go for a walk with my son. I push the stroller zig-zagging through our streets to make the most out of the small neighborhood. While I walk, I've been listening to a few books. Handle with Prayer by Charles Stanley has been one of them. I'm currently half way through, but I think I'll have to read it again since my 2-year-old likes to talk to me constantly as we journey by little water fountains, flowers, dogs, birds, trucks and old men who don't wear shirts - "Mommy, he's naked!".

Stanley wrote a chapter on fasting. I listened to it for a few mornings in a row. It was convicting and I think that God is asking me to fast for my marriage. And I'm seriously considering it while I try to figure out how best to go about it.

Fasting is an act of obedience, especially since I do feel that God is bringing it before me in this book, in random broadcasts I've recently listened to, and in conversations brought up by other people. Fasting places somber importance on the reason why you are fasting. It allows God to reveal your own sin to yourself. Sometimes this alone is what changes an impossible situation - confessing sin and strongholds. During times of fasting, we hear God's voice and heart clearly. When we seek him with all of our hearts, we will find Him. That's a promise. All the benefits that result from fasting are right there waiting for me. Why wouldn't I want to reach out and take these valuable priceless gifts? This theme is certainly coming to a head for me and I'm quickly approaching a point of decision that will demand a follow-up in action.

• ••  THE BOTTOM LINE •• •

The truth is, it's possible for me to give every ounce of myself toward reconcilliaion and it still not turn out well. But it is an undeniable truth that if I don't give this everything I've got, and our marriage ends, that I am a guilty party. I won't be able to look my little boy in the eyes and say that Mommy did everything she could to keep our family together. I let Daddy slip away in his bondage and I didn't contend over his soul and heart. 

These are the thoughts that have been rolling around in my mind for a few weeks. Some of these thoughts came to me as I was typing as this was one of those blogs that just seemed to write itself. I think this is the journey of aligning my heart with God's. He is, as I have been asking Him to do, slowly and steadily placing my heart, thoughts and emotions where He wants them to be. Jack is not the enemy. Satan is. And if I am going to be completely pleasing to the Lord, I need to pick my weapons back up, secure my armor and be "all in" even though it's a fight that I didn't think I'd signed up for.

"Give ear to my words, O Lord; consider my groaning. Give attention to the sound of my cry, my King and my God, for to you do I pray. O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch" ESV

"In the morning I will order my prayer to you and eagerly watch." NASB

• •• Psalm 5:1-3 •• •